After some not inconsiderable time I now appear to be getting close to completing my Soviets for Cold War Commander.I have at last completed the final T64 tank regiment for my armored division. This consists of 3 battalions , each of 3 companies, all Heroics and Ros.
T64 regiment. |
3 HQ stands |
Also completed is a further battalion of BTR60s. Aswel as 2 HQs for the heavy recce companies and a recovery vehicle.
BTR60 battalion |
AA, Anti tank and support bases. |
HQ, all Scotia models |
HQs for heavy recce coys, all Scotia. |
So that just leaves a battalion of T55AM2Vs and a battalion of infantry with supports to complete and I will possibly will call it a day for the Soviets. When the lockdown restrictions are relaxed I will try and get to the Grimsby club and get them all set out and take some pics.
So what have I left to do regarding my 6mm Cold war project? Quite a bit actualy, some British, Americans and a big box of building to complete!